
Working at Calvary Christian Academy is more than a job — it’s a calling. 我们是一群基督教思想家, 创新者, 创意人员, 父母, coaches on a mission to educate tomorrow’s leaders for Christ and transform communities. 加入我们的团队,你将从事有意义的工作.



  • PTO和病假
  • 妊娠(5周)/结合(1周


  • 现有健康保险计划
  • Employer monthly contribution towards your health insurance premium
  • 使用教堂体育馆


  • 儿童学费优惠
  • CCA 劳德代尔堡 staff families receive 50% off 学前教育 tuition
  • Additional discounts/reimbursements for educational and professional development opportunities
  • 季度专业发展日


  • 劳德代尔堡校园里有两家餐厅
  • 在烧烤餐厅吃午餐打八折
  • 生日月免费提供生日饮料
  • 慷慨咖啡馆的无限量苏打水 & 书店员工休息室


  • 免费金融和平大学课程
  • 403(b)匹配程序
  • Free planning and preparation for wills and trusts


  • 现场托儿服务
  • 婴儿奖金(生育和收养)
  • 短期残疾选择
  • 免费长期残疾
  • 重大疾病保险选项
  • 免费基本人寿保险
  • 慷慨咖啡馆打七折 & 书店
  • Free admission to regular season CCA home games
  • Complimentary ticket to select CCA 美术 productions


  • We are accepting applications for the current and next academic year unless otherwise noted on the position description.

  • 有州外搬家津贴.

  • 在线申请流程详细. 如果你选择申请, please be prepared to set aside 45 minutes in order to thoroughly complete the application.

  • All teaching positions have a minimum requirement of a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.

  • You must upload a copy of your college transcripts along with your resume and completed application to begin the process. 我们期待着审核您的申请!

We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ through a biblical school environment that prepares students to glorify God spiritually, 在学业上, 和社会.
    • 员工敬拜



  • 核心价值1:谦逊


    1. 在你的祈祷柜里找到你自己.
    We spend time before God to discover who we are in Him.

    2. 准备,准备,开始!

    3. 把你的自负留在门外.
    We seek God's glory and put our personal agendas aside.

    4. 称呼对方的名字.
    We won’t use our title, position, or credentials as a power tool.

    5. 别人的时间和你的时间一样宝贵.
    We will be present and on time or call if we’re running late.

    6. 不会因为骄傲而不帮忙接电话.

    7. 谦虚是健康的.
    We won’t be afraid to admit a mistake and we will be quick to forgive.

  • 核心价值2:保持灵魂


    1. 安排好你的一天.
    We do our best to align our priorities with God’s.

    2. 保持联系.
    We stay connected to God in both the big and small moments.

    3. 放慢脚步.
    We ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives so we can focus on being present.

    4. 邀请某人进来.
    We commit to having a friend we can confess to and confide in.

    5. 控制你的思想.
    We monitor our minds so we can redirect destructive thoughts.

    6. 为人际关系创造空间.
    We care more about the people than the projects.

    7. 保持健康.
    We take care of ourselves spiritually, physically, financially, relationally, emotionally.

  • 核心价值#3:协作


    1. 这一切都始于信任.
    We build trust in our relationships through integrity, authenticity, reliability.

    2. 人人为我.
    We cultivate team unity as we pray together, work together, play together.

    3. 跨界工作,建立关系.
    We invite and value people, ideas, talents from other departments.

    4. 共同制定目标.
    We collectively establish a goal and then align our agendas to achieve it.

    5. 你的输入很重要.
    We’re free to express our ideas and opinions without fear of judgment.

    6. 放弃你认为正确的权利.
    We 识别 that successful collaboration requires some give and take.

    7. 想想大C
    We uphold a kingdom culture and partner with other churches/ministries in our community.

  • 核心价值4:追求卓越


    1. 是给谁的??
    We remind ourselves it’s all about Jesus and He is worthy of our best effort.

    2. 像蚂蚁一样计划!
    We plan ahead and manage our time in order to produce quality work.

    3. 跟进.
    We deliver on promises we make and don’t make promises we can’t keep.

    4. 是的并不总是最好的.

    5. 优秀是伟大的敌人.
    We strive to create better and innovative ways of doing things.

    6. 卓越不是完美.
    We refuse to let our mistakes diminish our efforts or determine our attitudes.

    7. 回顾过去,展望未来.
    We foster a culture of feedback in order to evaluate our work and improve it.

  • 核心价值5:赋予领导者权力


    1. 保持大方的.
    We hold tightly to our faith and mission, not our titles or positions.

    2. 确定并激励新的领导者.
    We look for people with leadership potential and take the time to invest in them.

    3. 如果鞋子合适的话.
    We place people in roles where they can best operate in their gifts.

    4. 培养经济增长.
    We pursue opportunities for our own development and for those we lead.

    5. 跳出框框思考.
    We don’t shut down different ways of doing things just because it’s not “our” way.

    We delegate authority to empower others to make decisions and take ownership.

    7. R.A.V.E.
    We 识别确认每个人都值 在我们团队中.

  • 核心价值6:庆祝


    1. 与神一同庆祝.

    We rejoice in what God is doing in us, through us, in those around us.

    2. 不要等到天堂.

    We celebrate the progress we’ve made along the way and not just the finished work.

    3. 扩大你的宾客名单.

    We celebrate the success of every project with everyone involved.

    4. 提示五彩纸屑.

    We 识别 celebration should be both planned and spontaneous.

    5. 你和一个VIP一起工作.

    We celebrate people, both their personal and professional milestones.

    6. 工作上的快乐.

    We enjoy living out our calling, building deep relationships, having fun on our mission together.

    7. 干得好,干得好.


  • 核心价值7:真爱


    1. 相信爱.


    2. 爱原谅.

    We forgive offenses and don’t hold them against each other.

    3. 爱面临.

    We show compassion when we have hard and honest conversations with others.

    4. 爱始终如一.

    We deliver on promises we make and don’t make promises we can’t keep.

    5. 爱的保护.

    We champion a culture where gossip and negative attitudes are not welcome.

    6. 爱坚持不懈.

    We don't give up on relationships with the people we work and serve with.

    7. 爱的牺牲.

    We set aside our plans to give our time and attention to meet others’ needs.

Are you ready to train and inspire the next generation?



  • More Than A Job: 5 Reasons You Should Apply to Work at CCA

    If you’ve been praying about a potential change in jobs and are passionate about making disciples of Jesus Christ, look no further than Calvary Christian Academy, with campuses in 劳德代尔堡 and Hollywood, 佛罗里达. 了解CCA是如何赢得的 最佳基督教工作场所 distinction and what makes its culture divinely distinct. 


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